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July 2018 Euro-Peristat Newsletter

Issue n°5 - July 2018
NETWORK UPDATE: Core Euro-Peristat indicators in 31 countries available soon!
We are excited to announce that Euro-Peristat will release the European Perinatal Health Report: Core indicators on the health of pregnant women and babies in 2015 in the autumn of 2018.

The data collection exercise on the Core Indicators has complete representation from 31 European countries. For an overview of our indicators, click here.

Scientific Committee members met on April 9th, 2018 in Kerkrade, the Netherlands, to discuss preliminary results and analyses. One of the principles of Euro-Peristat is to involve country teams to improve data quality and interpretation.

Euro-Peristat Newsletter subscribers will be informed when the report is published.
NEWS: European Joint Action on Health Information InfAct launched
InfAct (Information for Action) is a new European Joint Action on health information, launched in March 2018.

The initiative involves over 25 European countries and public health institutes. It aims to provide a sustainable solution for health information networks in Europe and a better coordination of health information surveillance strategies and data collection in Europe.

Euro-Peristat is participating in InfAct.
More here
Do late terminations of pregnancy affect comparisons of stillbirth rates in Europe? in the BJOG

Terminations of pregnancy are included in stillbirth rates in some countries. We were able to describe terminations of pregnancy in population registries in 23/29 European countries. Terminations account for less than 1.5% of stillbirths at 22+ weeks of gestation in Denmark, between 13-22% in Germany, Italy, Hungary, Finland and Switzerland, and 39% in France. Find out more here.

International variations in the gestational age distribution of births, in EJPH

Infants born preterm (<37 weeks of gestation) and early term (37-38 weeks) face higher risk of mortality and morbidity compared to full term births between 39-41 weeks.

We documented two-fold differences in preterm and early term birth rates across high-income countries in Europe, North America and Asia and Oceania. Countries with higher preterm birth rates have higher early term birth rates. These large differences suggest that prevention is possible and can orient future research on population risk factors. More here.
The goal of the Lifecycle project is to establish the EU Child Cohort Network, comprising harmonised data of more than 20 ongoing pregnancy and birth cohort studies.

This network aims will be used to study the individual biological, developmental and health trajectories that are related to the onset and evolution of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and translate these into policy and effective interventions. Find out more here.
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You are receiving this newsletter because you registered on the Euro-Peristat website, or downloaded data from our site, or your network is part of the BRIDGE Health project, or you are part of our stakeholder list for the European Perinatal Health Report.