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March 2016 Euro-Peristat Newsletter

Issue n°1 - March 2016
NEWS: The first Euro-Peristat Newsletter

We are pleased to introduce this first issue. Our aim is to share data and analyses about the health and care of pregnant women and babies in Europe and to encourage discussion and debate about these results.

We welcome your comments about this issue and ideas for future issues, planned at 4 to 6 per year.
WHAT is the Euro-Peristat network ?

The Euro-Peristat network brings together perinatal health professionals from 31 European countries to compile and to analyse data on 30 perinatal health indicators from national routine data systems.

Our purpose is to provide information for national, European and international stakeholders who make decisions about the health and care of pregnant women and newborns.

Our mission, indicators and network are described here.

We are part of BRIDGE Health. Let's build the transition towards a sustainable and integrated EU Health information system,
find out more 

We are pleased to announce Croatia as a new participating member country. We welcome Croatian team members:

  • Urelija Rodin, MD, PhD, Assist. Prof., specialist in public health working at the National Institute of Public Health and the School of Public Health “Andrija Štampar” in Zagreb 
  • Boris Filipović-Grčić, MD, PhD, Prof. of Pediatrics, a neonatologist working at Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb, School of Medicine University of Zagreb.

They recently published on key perinatal indicators in Croatia and give us more insight into characteristics of the Croatian perinatal health surveillance system here.


Marked social inequalities in stillbirth exist in Europe.
Monitoring these should be a priority.  
See article

Mortality has declined, but not equally across Europe.
These declines also raise the question: how low can perinatal mortality go?   
See article

Broader adoption of data linkage  could yield substantial gains for perinatal health research and surveillance.
See article

COLLABORATIONS: The Lancet's Ending Preventable Stillbirths Series

The Lancet Series calls for collective action to end preventable stillbirths and to improve bereavement care for families who experience a stillbirth.

We contributed to the Series by analyzing data on socioeconomic inequalities in stillbirths.

What are the implications of this call?
read more here

Reflecting on the
change in the percentage of older mothers over time.

Dr. Béatrice Blondel, perinatal epidemiologist at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (UMR1153) and scientific committee member from France

Prof. Mika Gissler, perinatal epidemiologist at the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and scientific committee member from Finland

Prof. Jan Nijhuis, obstetrician, head of the OB/GYN Dept. of the Maastricht University Medical Centre 
and scientific committee member from the Netherlands

Find out what our experts think

Contact information :
You are receiving this newsletter because you registered on the Euro-Peristat website, or downloaded data from our site, or your network is part of the BRIDGE Health project, or you are part of our stakeholder list for the European Perinatal Health Report.