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December 2016 Euro-Peristat Newsletter

                      Issue n°3 - December 2016                    
NEWS: Euro-Peristat at the 9th EPH Conference in Vienna, 9-12th Nov. 2016
Almost 1,850 delegates from over 70 countries gathered in Vienna for the 9th European Public Health Conference. Euro-Peristat participated in several events organized by the BRIDGE health project.

Ideas for setting up a sustainable health information system for Europe were debated in a pre-conference workshop with representatives from DG Santé, OECD and WHO Europe.

Euro-Peristat also participated in a workshop entitled "Making mothers and children count: health information, health and quality of life".
NETWORK UPDATE: Sharing National Data and reporting
We are pleased to share with you the latest country yearbooks and national perinatal health reports on our updated website. Access the reports here.

Many European countries routinely publish reports based on data from their perinatal health information systems.

For an overview of national reporting in Euro-Peristat, click
Infants born very preterm, before 32 completed weeks, face the highest risks of neonatal mortality and morbidity. It is therefore vital to monitor these births in Europe.

We asked whether routine data can be used for  comparisons of very preterm birth rates in 30 high-income countries? 

There were wide variations in very preterm birth rates in Europe, North America, and Japan, especially for births at the limits of viability, at 22-23 weeks.

There is a need to standardize recording of births and deaths at 22-23 weeks in routine health information systems. However, there are also true cross-country differences in very preterm birth rates which are not just due to artefact.

Reflecting on smoking rates among pregnant women in European countries
Dr. Rachael Wood, Consultant in Public Health Medicine at the NHS National Services Scotland Information Services Division in  Edinburg, Scotland.
Dr. Katarzyna Szamotulska, Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw, Poland
OTHER HEALTH INITIATIVES: The EU Birth Research project

Euro-Peristat is collaborating with the BIRTH COST Action. Project members and representatives met recently in Sofia, Bulgaria from 19th-21st Sept. 2016
The BIRTH COST Action brings together over 100 scientists, artists, professionals, activists, political stakeholders and service users from around 30 countries in Europe and beyond, to try to understand the range and limits of normal childbirth physiology in different populations, individuals, and contexts.
Research project, modules, and outcomes are available here.

Cost Action supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020
Contact information :
You are receiving this newsletter because you registered on the Euro-Peristat website, or downloaded data from our site, or your network is part of the BRIDGE Health project, or you are part of our stakeholder list for the European Perinatal Health Report.