• Stillbirth age and multiplicity

    Stillbirth: impact of maternal age and multiplicity

    The publication “Stillbirth rate trends across 25 European countries between 2010 and 2021: the contribution of maternal age and multiplicity” shows that increase in pregnancies at advanced maternal age contributes to an increase in national stillbirth rates over time and that the reduction in multiple births contributes to a decrease in national stillbirth rates over time.

  • Neonatal Mortality Disparities by Gestational Age

    Neonatal Mortality Disparities by Gestational Age

    This publication, Neonatal Mortality Disparities by Gestational Age in European Countries, investigated excess neonatal mortality, defined as a rate difference relative to the pooled rate in the 3 countries with the lowest Neonatal Mortality Rates (Norway, Sweden, and Finland) and found wide NMR disparities with varying patterns by GA.

  • Latest National Perinatal Health Reports

    Latest National Perinatal Health Reports

    Euro-Peristat collects information on national perinatal health reports published annually in most countries. These reports are a valuable source of data on the health on mothers and babies and can be found here.

  • Euro-Peristat publications

    Euro-Peristat publications

    Euro-Peristat conducts research on maternal and child health and care using data from routine statistical systems in Europe.  We regularly produce scientific articles on questions of interest in perinatal health monitoring.

    Our latest report is “Core indicators of the health and care of pregnant women and babies in Europe from 2015 to 2019”.

Stillbirth: impact of maternal age and multiplicity

The publication “Stillbirth rate trends across 25 European countries between 2010 and 2021: the contribution of maternal age and multiplicity” shows that increase in pregnancies at advanced maternal age contributes to an increase in national stillbirth rates over time and that the reduction in multiple births contributes to a decrease in national stillbirth rates over time.